Why Choose An Audiologist?

Choosing your hearing healthcare provider is an important decision. Hearing problems can only be correctly treated when they’ve been accurately evaluated and diagnosed. Choosing an audiologist to care for your hearing means that you’re choosing a professional with the most extensive education in hearing conditions and the proper treatment and management of them.

Audiologists earn an advanced degree in audiology (either a Masters or Doctorate degree), and complete rigorous training and testing in order to become licensed to practice. They specialize in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of hearing and balance disorders. When licensed by their state Board, they’re approved to dispense hearing aids and practice audiology in the best interest of their patients. To maintain their license, audiologists must also complete a minimum of 30 hours of continued education every three years. You can expect the highest level of expertise and up-to-date knowledge when trusting our audiologists with your hearing health.

Beyond their extensive training, audiologists are required to pledge an oath in order to maintain their license. This oath states that they must always practice in the best interest of the patient. When seeing licensed audiologists, this oath assures that you can count on their advice and recommendations to be honest and in your best interest – no matter what.

At Kitsap Audiology, our audiologists are committed to the ethical guidelines of their profession and are passionate about providing the best hearing care to our patients. You can rest easy knowing that their in-depth training, and 25 years of experience, will provide you with the expert hearing healthcare you deserve.